The Rotary Club meeting on the 10th December was addressed by 2 speakers from the St Andrews Homework Club. Chair for the day Neil Thomas gave a detailed introduction to the two Speakers. He noted
Jillian Giddings had a long and substantial involvement with engagement as a volunteer with various philanthropic organisations and had more recently taken a leadership role in the establishment
of the St Andrews ( Corio ) Homework Club. He then explained that Delta was a refugee from Burma (Myanmar) and one of the first students of the Homework Club to achieve success leading to a
Bachelor of Bio-medical Science (one unit left to complete). Jillian explained that as a result of severe ethnic cleansing and terror inflicted on local Karen communities by Burmese military, Australia offered a selected number of the group refugee status in Australia. Many refugees had minimal education and no English but some with family connections to Geelong made their way into the Corio area. It was recognized that with such difficult circumstances, the St Andrews Church Community could assist these refugees integrate into the community by providing assistance with extra curricula English and other basic educational knowledge and social/cultural support delivered by a new organization called The Homework Club. Jillian acknowledged the support provided to the Club by volunteers from St Andrews (Corio) church and by Kardinia College and Geelong Grammarthrough assistance provided by both teachers and students. Both schools have provided additional educational opportunities in recognition of the potential of students able to benefit from more intense educational studies. Various other local businesses and community initiatives also contributed to the volunteer efforts. This included local students volunteering to assist collect and distribute fresh fruit from Nardi Produce to the attendees at the Club. The Group Humans in Geelong have also actively supported the Homework Club. Volunteers act as Mentors and Tutors.
Among the many challenges faced by the Homework Club, was the need for a variety of books, visual aides, educational games and other educational materials. In addition, there have been numerous bureaucratic and organizational issues to be dealt with to satisfy the many working with children requirements and the logistical challenges associated with accommodating students in a non-permanent style “classroom” environment.
The Homework Club is open to refugees with English as a second language and has students often accompanied by parents and provides assistance to up to 70 students in years 5 through to year 11. The International Baccalaureate has been utilized with aregular attendance by 30-50 students benefitting by their attendance being recognized as credits towards their schooling obligations.
Delta described her background in Burma as a baby fleeing military imposed mayhem together with her siblings and parents.Her parents recognized that with little chance for survival or education the family would apply for a new intake by Australia of refugeesbeing persecuted. The family was accepted concurrently after a three year wait by both USA and Australia and they chose to come to Australia (Corio) to benefit from family friend connections already living in the area. Arriving in 2006 with no English at age 13, Delta commenced schooling at year 8 level (quite a shock) and along the journey of her studies and social integration did experience some discrimination and in particular struggled with determining her own identity having had such a disrupted childhood.She joined the Homework Club and together with her more conventional schooling and personal efforts after just 2 years was awarded for all her subjects (except English) and a scholarship, following which she achieved an ATAR score of 88! Delta and Jillian acknowledged with great appreciation the support from Rotary Club of
Geelong and RYLA through financial and schooling/workshop attendance support. President Barry concluded their presentation by announcing a donation of $1,000 towards the on-going efforts of the Homework Club.
Jillian Giddings had a long and substantial involvement with engagement as a volunteer with various philanthropic organisations and had more recently taken a leadership role in the establishment
of the St Andrews ( Corio ) Homework Club. He then explained that Delta was a refugee from Burma (Myanmar) and one of the first students of the Homework Club to achieve success leading to a
Bachelor of Bio-medical Science (one unit left to complete). Jillian explained that as a result of severe ethnic cleansing and terror inflicted on local Karen communities by Burmese military, Australia offered a selected number of the group refugee status in Australia. Many refugees had minimal education and no English but some with family connections to Geelong made their way into the Corio area. It was recognized that with such difficult circumstances, the St Andrews Church Community could assist these refugees integrate into the community by providing assistance with extra curricula English and other basic educational knowledge and social/cultural support delivered by a new organization called The Homework Club. Jillian acknowledged the support provided to the Club by volunteers from St Andrews (Corio) church and by Kardinia College and Geelong Grammarthrough assistance provided by both teachers and students. Both schools have provided additional educational opportunities in recognition of the potential of students able to benefit from more intense educational studies. Various other local businesses and community initiatives also contributed to the volunteer efforts. This included local students volunteering to assist collect and distribute fresh fruit from Nardi Produce to the attendees at the Club. The Group Humans in Geelong have also actively supported the Homework Club. Volunteers act as Mentors and Tutors.
Among the many challenges faced by the Homework Club, was the need for a variety of books, visual aides, educational games and other educational materials. In addition, there have been numerous bureaucratic and organizational issues to be dealt with to satisfy the many working with children requirements and the logistical challenges associated with accommodating students in a non-permanent style “classroom” environment.
The Homework Club is open to refugees with English as a second language and has students often accompanied by parents and provides assistance to up to 70 students in years 5 through to year 11. The International Baccalaureate has been utilized with aregular attendance by 30-50 students benefitting by their attendance being recognized as credits towards their schooling obligations.
Delta described her background in Burma as a baby fleeing military imposed mayhem together with her siblings and parents.Her parents recognized that with little chance for survival or education the family would apply for a new intake by Australia of refugeesbeing persecuted. The family was accepted concurrently after a three year wait by both USA and Australia and they chose to come to Australia (Corio) to benefit from family friend connections already living in the area. Arriving in 2006 with no English at age 13, Delta commenced schooling at year 8 level (quite a shock) and along the journey of her studies and social integration did experience some discrimination and in particular struggled with determining her own identity having had such a disrupted childhood.She joined the Homework Club and together with her more conventional schooling and personal efforts after just 2 years was awarded for all her subjects (except English) and a scholarship, following which she achieved an ATAR score of 88! Delta and Jillian acknowledged with great appreciation the support from Rotary Club of
Geelong and RYLA through financial and schooling/workshop attendance support. President Barry concluded their presentation by announcing a donation of $1,000 towards the on-going efforts of the Homework Club.